A Thank You From T.C. Hall Leather
Dear friends,
What a year. As they say, things sometimes happen slowly, then all at once. If you have followed the evolution of my business, you may have seen that just four months ago, I left the world of public education to pursue building my business. That seems like just yesterday, but also a lifetime ago. So much has changed since I took that leap. I've made more friends than I thought possible, received incredible support and kindness from those I've never even met, and pushed myself every day to improve my craft.
This is, in truth, only the beginning of the journey. 2023 will be my first year entirely devoted to T.C. Hall Leather, and I have some so many exciting projects lined up. I can't wait to share my vision with you all for what comes next.
Thank you all so much for believing in me even when I'm not so sure that I believe in myself. I find myself becoming a happier, healthier, and far more fulfilled person each and every day.
From the Hall Household, Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and may you find peace in unexpected places.